Thursday, October 29, 2009

Naugatuck YMCA Enters Phase 3 of Facility Upgrade

The Naugatuck YMCA is currently engaged in Phase III-B of a $3.0 million capital improvement program, which work has spanned five years. Primary funding sources for the capital development enterprise have been federal funding ("Small Cities" and Department of Transportation), state funding (DSS), and major corporations and foundations.
From the sidewalk in front of the Naugatuck YMCA the community can see one element of the capital enhancement - the access to an elevator, providing accessibility to persons with disabilities to the YMCA wellness facilities as well as the YMCA residence. Wellness facility , childcare center, locker room, and fire code compliance have been included in the project. Natatorium improvements are planned in the coming months.
The elevator features "green" technology (belt-driven) and provides stops at four elevations in the facility.
Pictured are: (L-R) Todd Genovese, Project Manager with Rose-Tiso & Company (architects), and Bill Kane, Naugatuck YMCA Executive Director

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