Saturday, August 22, 2009

Milinazzo Appointed To Y-USA Cabinet

Congratulations to Pete Milinazzo, Executive Director of the Newport County YMCA, who has accepted an appointment to the YMCA of the USA Small and Mid-Size YMCA Cabinet.
The Small and Mid-Size YMCA Cabinet is a representative group of YMCA CEOs from Small and Mid-Size YMCAs who are informed about YMCA of the USA activities, served as a sounding board for various YMCA of the USA departments, advocate for similar size YMCAs and their leadership, and support fellow Cabinet members through networking opportunities.
The Small and Mid-Size YMCA Cabinet is comprised of 12-18 CEOs of YMCAs with budgets of less than $4.0 million, representative of the four Regions: Northeast, Midweset, Southeast and West. Members serve a 3-year term oni the Cabinet. Small and Mid-Size YMCAs number 697 out of the 954 associations nationwide (figutres as of April 6, 2009).
Pete presently serves as Treasurer of the Rhode Island YMCA Alliance. [In the accompanying photo, Pete (left) is pictured with a state legislator serving his YMCA community.]

Friday, August 14, 2009

2010 General Assembly of YMCAs

The General Assembly of YMCAs is the premiere celebration of the YMCA Movement in the United States, designed to inspire, rejuvenate and affirm each attendee's passion for YMCA work and provide meaningful connections to others in the Movement. YMCA of the USA hosts the General Assembly every three years. This four-day conference features inspiring speakers and numerous educational workshops, as well as relationship-building opportunities for YMCA staff and volunteers.

The General Assembly is open to all YMCA staff and volunteers in North America and typically has 4,500-5,000 attendees.

The next General Assembly will take place July 8-11, 2010 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Check out the YouTube "Babs" video found on the Salt Lake Convention and Visitors Bureau website -

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Everything Is Going Swimmingly at the Stamford YMCA

The Stamford YMCA, for the second consecutive summer, has partnered with the Central Connecticut Coast YMCA to bring swimming lessons to Stamford's summer camp program.

The Fairfield branch of the CCC YMCA has provided lifeguard and instructor services during the seven week day camp program.

" As the Stamford YMCA continues to restructure its membership program and building renovations, the summer camp program is flourishing, with growth over the past two summers", says CEO Mark Ketley.

" The assistance from the CCC YMCA with their aquatic staff from the Fairfield branch has been tremendous, it has been great working together to provide these inner city kids the opportunity to learn to swim"