Monday, October 26, 2009

Hearts Are Worn In These Dark Ages

The New Canaan Community YMCA in Fairfield County, Connecticut is reaching out to the children of the second largest urban slum on the continent of Africa - Kibera, a provincial division of Nairobi, Kenya - whose inhabitants number between 600,000 and 1.2 million.
Pictured is a class of the FAFU nursery school, displaying a banner thanking the New Canaan YMCA for its financial support. The majority of the children in the class are from single mothers or are orphans.
Kibera is featured in Fernando Meirelle's film The Constant Gardner and mentioned in the music video World On Fire by Sarah McLachlan.
"Hearts are worn in these dark ages / You're not alone in this story's pages / Night has fallen amongst the living and the dying / And I try to hold it in, yeah, I try to hold it in." - Sarah McLachlan

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