Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Quasquicentennial of New Britain-Berlin YMCA

The New Britain YMCA was founded in 1883 to protect young men and boys from the sins and temptations of a rapidly industrializing urban America. Today, it cuts across social, racial, economic, religious and gender lines because it was founded to serve basic human needs.
Some interesting facts about the YMCA of New Britain and Berlin:

In 1895, 3 years after the invention of basketball at the Springfield YMCA Training School, the New Britain YMCA Basketball Team was the World Champions.
Also, in 1895 the "dribble" was invented in New Britain, in order to slow the game down and to help prevent injuries from tackling.

The old YMCA building was located on the corner of Court and Main Streets. Dedicated in 1899, the building was nearly destroyed by fire in 1906. It was rebuilt in 1907.
The 'new' YMCA building was dedicated on May 11, 1954, and people threw coins into the new pool.

In 1954 the game of racquetball was born at the New Britain YMCA, after having been conceived by Joe Sobek of the Greenwich, CT YMCA. The New Britain YMCA can boast four past world champions of racquetball.

The Berlin-Kensington Branch was created in the late sixties and continues to offer high quality child care, youth and family programs.

The New Britain-Berlin YMCA has had four successful capital campaigns in the last 20 years. The Y has raised more than $5 million during that period for its charitable works.
The New Britain Y has had only ten CEO's in 125 years

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