Friday, October 2, 2009

Energy and $$$$$avings at Southington YMCA

The Southington-Cheshire Community YMCA today was awarded a $33,498 State of Connecticut Department of Public Utilities capital grant for the installation of a customer-side distributed generation, or co-generation, system at the YMCA's 29 High Street facility.
Co-generation is an on-site generation of energy. It is the simultaneous production of two or more forms of usable energy from combustion of a single fuel source, in the YMCA's case - natural gas. The YMCA uses this clean technology to produce electricity and thermal energy at the same time. While producing electricity by way of a natural gas-powered engine generator, the YMCA uses the waste heata from the engine to heat the building, the pool and the domestic hot water.
By producing one third of its own electricity and using the byproduct of hot water, the Southington Community YMCA is not only saving money, but more importantly, reducing its energy consumption and carbon footprint on the environment.
Pictured are: Joseph Heller, Account Executive from Yankee Gas, John Myers, Executive Director of the Southington-Cheshire Community YMCA, and Terry Lombardi, YMCA Board President

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