Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Partnership To Fight Chronic Disease

The Connecticut Alliance of YMCAs was represented today in ceremonies at the Connecticut State Capitol in Hartford at the launch of the Connecticut Chapter of the Partnership To Fight Chronic Disease (PFCD). The Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease is a national, bi-partisan coalition of patients, providers, community organizations, business and labor groups and health policy experts committed to raising awareness of the policies and practices that save lives and reduce health costs through more effective prevention and management of chronic disease.

Pictured are (L-R): Gary Kozak, Member of the Connecticut YMCA Alliance Public Policy Committee; David L. Katz, MD, MPH, FACPM, FACP, Director of the Prevention Research at Yale University School of Medicine; Gail Hannon, Director of Health and Wellness at the Norwalk YMCA; Cindy Armijo, Executive Director of the Norwalk YMCA, and member of the Connecticut YMCA Alliance Public Policy Committee; and Philip J. Dwyer, President of the Central Connecticut Coast YMCA, and Vice Chair of the Public Policy Committee of the Connecticut YMCA Alliance.

Dr. Katz, who keynoted the Connecticut YMCA Alliance Annual Meeting a year ago, asserted that we must all "part the veil of statistical anonymity", and put a human face on the leading cause of death in this country. Katz emphasized that chronic diseases - heart disease, stroke, diabetes - can be controled through behaviors - stopping smoking, proper nutrition, and regular physical activity.

Dr. Paul Bluestein, Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer of ConneciCare, Inc. urged all in attendance "to assist Connecticut residents in making the very difficult decisions and behavior changes which lead to healthier lives." Daniel Torres, President of the Latino American Chamber of Commerce of Connecticut, noted that the incidence of chronic disease in the Latino population far exceeds this demographic group's 9% of the population.

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